Domain name facts With so many of them around (147,158,378 at the last count), there are a lot of little-known facts about domain names. Here are the first five of ten things you probably didn’t already know about them (Part Two to follow tomorrow):

1. Domain names are limited to 63 characters

The rules surrounding domain names are slightly different depending on where they are registered, but in general, your domain name cannot have more than 63 characters in it.

2. The average length of a domain name is 11 characters

Although registrants can use up to 63, most choose website addresses that are “just” 11 characters long.

3. Someone once bought nearly 15,000 domains in a single day

Mike Mann, a US domain speculator (also known as a cybersquatter) once registered 14,962 websites addresses in just 24 hours.

4. The USSR still has its own TLD

The former Soviet Union (now Russia) was allocated its own .su domain name before its demise in 1991. Surprising .su addresses are still available for purchase and continue to grow in popularity.

5. You cannot buy an ‘a’ .com address

Every website address that is composed entirely of the letter ‘A’, from right up to are already registered. Bad news if your company is called a x1063 Ltd.

So, honestly now, how many of those facts did you already know?

About Broadband Cloud Solutions

Our mission is to supply high quality internet solutions to individuals and businesses of all sizes. From traditional domain names and web hosting to cloud services such as Hosted desktop and LiveDrive, we offer essential services and products that are both affordable and value for money. Please give us a call on 0141 585 6363 to speak with a member of our friendly team.

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